

UpLoad size

How much memory will an average MiNd require under the assumption of __optimal__ ComPression? Some quick __upper-bound__ estimates:
  • MindPeople: 20.000 people which can be recognized (real and fictional, personal contacts and celebrities)
  • MindThing's: 5.000 (Clothes in your bin, cutlery in our WikiTchen etc)
  • MindPlace's: 2.000 places, rooms or landscapes (real and fictional)
  • WortSchatz: 20.000 words and names
  • EpisodicMemory: Events, trips, meetings, related emotions
  • Acoustic: 2.000 melodies, noises and voices
  • Taste: 500 different tastes of food, beverages etc
  • Smell: 500 different smells of flowers, animals, people
  • How to build a digital model of a human brain? Would it be possible to increase the completeness of a DigitalTwin ExPo'nentially before reaching the estimated EndOfLife?